Archive for October, 2013

Entering the home stretch

Posted in Moving, Musings, Weight with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 24, 2013 by Dena

Yesterday marked one week until the trip home.

Lately, I’ve been fixated on how much there is to do before the move (all the packing, etc.), but something about Lee taking our cat to the vet yesterday to have her checked out and getting a certificate stating that she’s fit to travel, and seeing the printed-out itinerary for the flight for the first time … suddenly it clicked that I’m finally about to go home.

Hard to explain how that makes me feel, other than overwhelmed–it’s kind of a combination of things: stress (haven’t exactly forgotten about the packing, etc.), worry, excitement. It’s kind of scary in that it’s not under the best circumstances–we’ve got SOME money saved up, but it’s gonna be tight for a while. We’re moving into an Extended Stay hotel which is gonna be overly expensive, but it’s our only option right now. We’ll both be unemployed at first.

But on the upside, no screaming toddlers and yelping (not to mention huge and hyper-active) dog to deal with. No more living in a house where I feel like I have to hide all the time just to avoid criticism.

Not to mention that I’ll have my own kitchen (well, kitchenette, I guess, but I’ll actually be able to use it) so I’ll be able to go back to cooking on a regular basis. Lee keeps trying to tell me that we’ll be living on ramen* to save money–uhh, I don’t think so. I can’t wait to try making bone broth. I figure I can make that, and maybe add some gluten-free rice noodles, some spices, and maybe come up with something similar to ramen–other than the noodles (because gluten-free anything is usually overpriced), it should be pretty cheap to make. I’m also bringing the Cuisinart (shipping it to my mom along with some other things I can’t live without for a few months) so I can make my own nut butter and stuff like that. So I’m definitely looking forward to that stuff.

*We both actually love ramen. I used to drizzle a couple of slightly-beaten eggs into the boiling water during the last minute while the noodles were cooking, then I’d drain out nearly all the water before adding the packets of seasoning–tasted awesome. Obviously, it’s not healthy, tho, so I try to avoid it now.


Okay, my co-workers just surprised me with a going-away party–that was awesome. I didn’t mention here yet that tomorrow is my last day at this company. Yes, I’m typing this at work–too busy packing at home to update, and there’s pretty much nothing better to do around here anyway  =P

Oh, speaking of co-workers … I was throwing all my knickknacks into a box and one of my co-workers, who is really tiny, went “Take me witchoo, I’ll fit in the box!”


To wrap up, not doing too great on the weight-loss front. Still eating too much chocolate and peanut butter (due to stress–not to mention that I just had pizza and cake XD). I also stopped exercising, other than my daily 25-minute walk (which is really more about escapism than health at this point, anyway). But I haven’t gained more than maybe 2-3 lbs., and I’m hovering around that number. So, could be worse. Definitely going to step it up again after the move.

I guess that’s about all I can think of as far as updates, for now. Next time I do an entry, it might be from Sacramento.

I keep thinking about the last line from the Red Dwarf pilot: Lister puts one arm around Cat (who is looking at him like he’s nuts) and doing a fist-pump with the other while saying: “Look out, Earth! The slime’s comin’ home!”